Saturday, October 6, 2007

Third Thing

In the midst of grasping the moments of my fleeting morning, the battery on my digital camera died. I hadn't taken but a few pics in weeks, and my angst about putting off what I enjoy most could not have been more clear... I'm a photographer, and i rarely take pictures. I pulled out the battery and stuck it to the charger. I pulled out the flash card and stuck it to the computer. I wasn't fazed out at all... I grabbed my cell phone and began to document the remnants of my compounded life, yesterdays dirties.

Recently my laundry, both dirty and clean , have become a form by which I outwardly construct my lack of desire to maintain my own personal and mental comfort. When my cloths aren't fashioning my body they're decorating my floor, and as much as I like to tell myself to clean up, fold cloths, and become tidy, I just can't seem to do so. Some part of me really enjoys dredging through yesterdays unfinished business, procrastinating, or just generally letting shit slide. My laundry is a simple object that I'm using to represent the slipping aspect of my daily life. Mentally, I wanted something to be different about September 21st, and I wanted to see the results immediately. I desperately needed a change for the positive on this day. I wanted to carry a new effort into the future, so I began by taking a critical look at my internal personal spaces, and bu making small changes that would ripple into my future.


Konrad Newman said...

Hey! Is that my towel?

naetron said...

rob yer silly. stevie-i have the same thoughts about my kitchen. only in a bachelor pad can greasy rags, nuts and bolts, dirty dishes, coffee grounds, and banana peels peachfully coexist in the sink.

Anonymous said...

it could be your towel! I tend to have everyone's shit that moves out of Denver.

naetron- Coexist? They're probably thriving to be more exact. Mhh, sounds like a the old, "everything but the proverbial kitchen sink" scenario. If it wasn't for the nats and flies, oh the god awful smell I might never do my dishes.