On the 21st of September, I was eating some fried chicken with my best mate from high school. We were on a bullet train, on the way out of
“Imagine; you were on the train with this chicken.” I said.
“Yeah?” she said.
“The view from the window was all dark, nothing, because the train was in the tunnel.”
I said.
“And, it’s the endless darkness- you can’t see a thing from the window. It feels like forever.” I said.
“That’s depressing.” She said.
“Exactly, being in the dysfunctional relationship is like getting on the train with the chicken.” I said.
“You always say things that sound truthful, but really aren’t.” She said.
She knows me well. All of a sudden, I felt too much. Tears came out from my eyes and I was crying, because I just realized that I am no longer capable of staying a kid anymore. I had a bite of fried chicken and it tasted awful, then the next moment everything looked awful as the aftertaste in my mouth. My mate talked to me with her eyes saying, “Hey, you ok?” but instead of saying the words, he held my right hand. Here’s two grown ups in seats next each other, looking very lost. Just like our high school days. I drunk some coke with my empty hand and tried to forget everything.
Now, 16 days later from 21st of September, I am madly in love with a person whom I didn’t even know 16 days ago. You really don’t know what’s around the corner, I mean it.
For the first time in my life, I truly believe that life is beautiful.
It seems Sep 21st was somethinfg was end and something was started for you. Sad, heavy, but beautiful. It is like earthshaking change document.
woa, thanks. I love yours too. really. thank god we both are fully grown up now.
Great document!
i really enjoyed the metaphorical awful tasting fried chicken in it's deceivingly confident package.
Oh, but, what is "fully grown up"?
thanks, robert!
Im glad you enjoyed my text.
I meant, fully grown.
I mean, fully-fledged.
feeling of emptiness, the loss of appetite, and infallible optimism-good signs you have a good heart and your soul is healthy. best
thank you, naetron!
Im so happy to know that my soul is healthy.
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