Sunday, September 23, 2007

Friday 21 September, 2007

1-ish am:

Patiently waiting to receive the first of 3 Carmen Electra’s DVD’s (ie. The Lapdance, Aerobic Striptease and Fit to Strip) on my computer beside the bed, I settle in on my bed to get my fill of spirituality - Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The Simple Truth’ is one I haven’t seen yet. I watch this DVD, in awe of this man, this messenger, who speaks so eloquently about finding truth and peace in one’s existence. He is one of few spiritual leaders (Prem Rawat is another) whose teachings resonate to the core of my being and again I am reminded to be conscious each day, each moment of being present; to not be caught up with the mental noise and stream of thinking that is always concerned with the past and future.

That’s how most of us exist every day, dragged along thought after thought! He speaks of a dimension in all of us that is deeper than what one normally identifies as their self. The recognition of that dimension comes when you make room inside yourself for the present moment and that inner alignment with now is really living! Ugh! My interpretation of his teachings do not do it justice. Do yourselves and your confusions about life and existence a favour and watch/read/listen to some of Eckhart Tolle or Prem Rawat. They’re modern day messiahs!

2-ish am:

Great! Carmen Electra’s Lapdance is ready to watch! Oh ya! I can emulate those moves no problem. I thought it would be cool to be able to do that ie. surprise my lover with a raunchy dance to a sexy song (from start to finish) – skillful, graceful with no clumsy, ‘out-of-synch’ moves. What a turn on that might be huh? If not, then definitely a laugh!

Well…I can’t say I’m always heedful of Eckhart’s advice. Recently, I’ve been pre-occupied with thoughts of spending a week in December, in Thailand with the man I’m in love with. Let’s call him TT. He moved to Sydney last March. Almost 3 months to go before I see him, pending his and my being able to have the time off, and my work situation stabilizing! If we do meet, it will’ve been over a year since we’d seen each other. And I have so got to get this body into shape!

It’s been almost 3 weeks since I’ve been to the gym. I went a handful of times back then and before that, I hadn’t exercised regularly for years. I’ll just HAVE to get up early tomorrow and go! My goal is to lose about 3 kilograms and tighten my body. I want to look hotter in the nude than with clothes on. Thailand in December is mercurial and the only way of getting about is with next to nothing on. Ah, the things we do for love…’human’ love (as opposed to ‘real’ love, the ‘all encompassing’ kind of love one has for nature, the universe and mankind), I need to remind myself, is tenuous and often delusory. TT and I have a very special history however, which I will try to briefly tell you about if you’d indulge me. My connection with him has been a somewhat quantum experience. I want to impress him!

3:30 am

I set my alarm for 10:30am. I have a 1:20pm start at work today so this’ll give me enough time to go to the gym before work. I turn in for the night!


My alarm goes off, I turn it off, I turn off the second alarm and decide I’m too tired to go to the gym and will lift some weights at home instead. I doze off for over an hour longer.


I get out of bed, have a glass of water, take a leak and haul my dumbbell out to the living room. I’ve got 4 2.5kg weights attached ie. 2 to each side and that with the bar makes it almost 12 kgs. This morning it feels like 15kgs!

(....a blog in progress....more later...)


September said...

The Photo on the bottom is magic. I say be real to the world and you will live forever.

gabriel said...

im fat and need to pump some iron. i walk 2 miles every day but im still fat. where are you? do i know you?

naetron said...

rock on w/ the spirituality and the sexy body